WMPoweruser | The largest independent Windows Phone community We’ve seen rugged phones by other OEMs, but if you want a really rugged device Panasonic’s Toughbook range is often the first stop. The Panasonic ToughPad FZ-E1 is what you call a really rugged device. The 1.2-inch-thick,15-ounce handset runs Windows ...
Eye On Windows – Comprehensive Microsoft Windows News It appears that the days of trying out early builds of the Windows operating system before launch are behind us, because according to a new report, Microsoft have made a ... The Nokia Lumia 630 was quick off the mark, as the first Windows Phone 8.1 handse
Taiwan's Modern App Developer - 開發新手上路 - Microsoft Windows Phone 8 應用開發實戰. Windows Phone 8 在10/29 正式推出新版的SDK ,本課程除了介紹Windows Phone 8 的 ...
Apps for Windows - Microsoft Windows What apps do we have? The Windows Store has apps for just about everything you do. Watch a short video ...
Windows 開發人員中心 完成Windows Phone 和Windows 裝置的應用程式開發專案所需的內容、範例、下載、設計靈感、影片 ... Tips for submitting apps in markets that require an age rating.
[Windows Phone 8.1]開始開發WP8.1 - Hello World - Michael的學習 ... 2014年7月11日 ... 摘要. Windows Phone 8.1的開發方式採用了跟Windows 8 or 8.1一樣的RT開發 架構,. 跟以往Windows Phone 8.0 採用Sliverlight rumtime 的方式 ...
Windows Phone App 開發快速上手 - Microsoft Virtual Academy 2013年12月2日 - Windows Phone App 開發快速上手. ... 02 | 設計及規劃Windows Phone 8 應用程式. 想要瞭解如何開發Windows Phone 8 App 嗎?本課程除了 ...
一切只為熱血Nokia Lumia 620 入手與Windows Phone 8 App 開發 ... 前一陣子,在網路社群上看到Nokia 推出的Windows Phone 8 的開發者方案,因為入門款Nokia Lumia 620 的價錢不高,加上又附上了一年的Windows Phone.
適用於建置市集應用程式的下載– Windows 應用程式開發 尋找目前版本和舊版SDK,包含Windows Phone 8 與Windows Phone 7。 取得下載 ... 從MSDN 訂閱者下載中取得Windows 8.1 更新 ... Microsoft Advertising SDK.
Windows 8 Metro Style Apps 開發攻略- Hello Metro Style App 除了和Windows 7 一樣支援我們已經習慣使用的Desktop Application 之外,隨著 Windows 8 本身的種種新功能與硬體支援 ...